Civil affairs services

The procedure for civil cases and commercial disputes in the courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan is determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Courts and Judges", this Code, other laws, as well as international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party.

The duties of court proceedings on civil cases and commercial disputes are to confirm the rights and interests of every natural or legal person arising from the Constitution, laws and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Civil court proceedings facilitate the establishment of legality and public order, the education of citizens in the spirit of respect for the law.

All individuals and legal entities have the right to use court protection in accordance with the law in order to protect and secure their rights and freedoms, as well as their interests.

If the law establishes a pre-trial settlement (claim) rule for a certain category of commercial disputes, or if it is stipulated by an agreement between the parties, the dispute can be settled by a commercial court after compliance with that rule.

In cases where any natural or legal person applies to the court for the protection or confirmation of his rights or interests protected by law, a case is initiated in the court.

Bureau of advocates - Universal offers the following services related to the above:

  • Verbal and written advice;
  • preparation of legal documents: claims, applications, motions, complaints;
  • Representing the Client's interests in various state and municipal institutions;
  • Representing the interests of the Client in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts of all instances;
  • Provide service to the long-term legal subscriber of the customer;
  • Provide service at the Customer's location in emergency situations;