Services for administrative offenses
The legislation on administrative offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan consists of the Code of Administrative Offenses. This Code is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, norms and principles of universally accepted international law. Laws defining administrative liability and punishing a person who has committed an administrative offense are applied only after they are included in the Code of Administrative Offenses.
The tasks of the legislation on administrative offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan are to protect the rights and freedoms of people and citizens, their health, property, public order and public safety, the environment, administrative rules, strengthen the rule of law and prevent administrative errors.
Only the person guilty of committing an administrative offense provided by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan and having all other signs of an administrative offense shall be brought to administrative responsibility. This Code is based on the principles of respect for human and civil rights and freedoms, rule of law, equality before the law, presumption of innocence, fairness and prevention of administrative errors.
An act that violates public relations protected by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is unlawful, considered guilty and causes administrative liability is considered an administrative offense.
Bureau of advocates - Universal offers the following services related to the above:
- Analysis of cases specified in the decision on administrative error;
- Consultations with a detailed explanation of the legal aspects relevant to the case;
- Preparation of an appeal against a decision on an administrative error, collection of evidence in the case.
- Preparation and filing of a complaint;
- Attending court hearings and working to obtain a decision in favor of the Client in court.